
Episode 4: McKenzie Ring

This episode is a BANGER folks!

I got to sit down with my friend McKenzie Ring (lovingly referred to as Mac in our circle) who is amongst many things a great mom, creative and successful photographer, an unofficial Kristen Wiig impersonator, and the Director of Marketing and Communications for a non-profit habilitative reentry program called Rise.

  • We dig into a myriad of topics and enjoy a few rabbit holes, but we touch on parenting, relationships, what burning down your life during a pandemic can look like, finding passion in your work, the strength of sharing your belief in others, and even the pros and cons of the ever-loved hand signal - the thumbs up.

    If you'd like to learn more about some of what we talk about in this episode whether that's to find out more on what Rise is and what they do or to see some of Mac's personal photography work, I have those links listed below for you.

    What is Rise?

    Follow Rise on Instagram

    Follow McKenzie on Instagram

Episode 3: Jason Domingues

In this episode we welcome Jason Domingues, another very good friend of mine. He's a photographer, enterpreneur, father, husband, cat and dog dad (despite the cat bit, I love him anyways), a Kansas Citian via Rhode Island, and my man loves Facetiming over phone calls.

  • We get into a huge array of topics and enjoy several long tangents, but we talk about The Legado Project (Jason's new project that takes on the documentation of family through audio recording and photos - but that's just what it is, we dive into what the meaning of it all is), Jason shares on his 20+ years in wedding photography, we talk about parenting and how things have changed since our parents raised us, we talk about the loss of Jasos's mother, and we talk about caring for parents who are still with us.

    Warning: We do talk about suicide for a few minutes, so if you may be triggered or upset by this topic is may be best to skip right over it (it occurs at 58:30 and runs through 61:00).

    To learn more about Jason, his photography, or The Legado Project you can check him out here:

    Jason Domingues Photography // Jason Domingues Photography - Instagram // The Legado Project

Episode 2: Parker J Pfister

Parker Pfister is a renowned photographer, a father, a great cook, a damn good fly fisherman, son of a genius, grandson of an inventor, a so-so Fortnite player, a storyteller like you've never met, and since 2015 a damn good friend of mine.

  • In this episode we get into Rick Rubin's The Creative Act: A Way of Being and we jump off from there into authenticity, parenting, partner communication, the importance of spicing things up when it comes to creativity, taking breaks from the work you are in, and we talk about Parker's upcoming and final workshops.

    For more info on Parker's work, mentoring, prints and workshop check out the below links:

    Workshops // Mentoring // Prints // Instagram

Episode 1: Robert J Hill

Robert J Hill is a photographer, a business and authenticity coach, a brand alchemist, a van living (though I hear that is coming to a close here shortly), a PCT Trail finisher, a cat dad, a husband, long beard growing, meditator, and damn good friend.

  • In this episode we really dig in on Robert's PCT completion (Pacific Coast Trail - stretches from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and Washington). We talk about what it took to get it done, what struggles he endured during the 5+ month long hike, how reintegration back into work and life has been, and what's coming up next.

    To learn more about Robert and his work including coaching, authenticist courses, or to join his Mastermind community to level up your business check out his website.

    And you can also follow him on Instagram for his travels, thoughts, and killer photography work - might even catch him on another massive hike is the mood strikes him.

Episode 0

We have to start somewhere, and this is it. Consider this the preview or the prelude to what is to come. Some thoughts on where the idea started and where I hope it will go. I also touch on what value I hope to bring to you and some brutal honesty about where my head is at and how I am feeling as we get things going. In short, I am a little bit excited and a lot terrified.